Monday, May 17, 2010

Independent Office Dealer

When buying office products why should you go to the independent office products dealer?

Sometimes price is a factor, unfortunately there are time when the independent cannot possibly compete with the big box stores like Staples or Office Depot. In regards to items like printer cartridges I hate to say it, but the customers best route is to order online. This is an example of the items that an independent office dealer can simply not compete on. Furniture on the other hand is usually another story all together take Bush office furniture for example I know of a few of the little guys that have the best deals in town.

Service is a big factor of course. Of course not every office products dealer is the same. In most instances the staff at the independents will have far greater knowledge than those at the big boxes. What is the value of that?

The ideal situation for me is to shop around. I go to where I get the best deals. This way I make out the best in the end and in most cases still support the little guy. If prices are comparable I will always choose the independent office products dealer.

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